Curriculum Intent
At Stanion C.E Primary school, it is our intent to ensure all of our pupils have an understanding of how to connect and communicate with other safely and respectfully with the aim of preparing them for later life. Our Computing curriculum is designed to educate children in an engaging and purposeful way. As a school, we ensure Online Safety is of paramount importance and each class receives an Online Safety lesson at the beginning of each half term.
We believe that the five pillars to online safety and wellbeing are:
- Online behaviour
- Online activity
- Online resilience
- Online wellbeing
- Online role models
Throughout our explicit Online Safety teaching, we address and discuss these areas and so build confidence in the children’s abilities to deal with online safety issues if and when they arise. References to online safety are made throughout our scheme of work.
We recognise the importance of teaching specific computing skills which can be applied across the curriculum, this allows the opportunity for our children to develop their understanding and build on key concepts. We deliver discrete computing lessons within every class and children are given the chance to apply learnt skills throughout other lessons. Essential skills are taught from EYFS through to Year 6 in a sequential manner in order to ensure progression and confidence for all children; all staff promote independence and resilience for the children whilst they are using computing equipment.
As a school, we use the iLearn2 scheme of work. This ensures coverage, consistency and progression across all year groups. Every year group is taught competence in coding for a variety of practical and inventive purposes, including the application of ideas within other subjects. All children are encouraged to use logical reasoning; building on mathematical skills to accomplish specific goals and explain the process of achieving these goals. The computing curriculum also helps pupils to become independent, creative, safe, respectful and problem-solving digital citizens with a broad and transferrable skill-set.
iLearn2 is designed to make sure pupils learn computing skills from the three recognised aspects of computing:
- Computer Science – this covers programming (both block-based and text-based), including computational thinking using web-based software such as Scratch. Pupils across Key Stage 1 and 2 will write code to program physical and on-screen objects, interactive games and use text-based language, such as HTML and Python by the end of Key Stage 2.
- Information Technology – this covers the use of applications to create digital content, including document creation and editing, video making, digital art, graphic design, animation, 3D modelling and website building.
- Digital Literacy – covers skills to find, evaluate, utilise and share using technologies and the Internet. This includes important online-safety and internet research skills, as well as an understanding of computer networks in Key Stage 2.
The children will cover these aspects each year. This means that pupils will build upon skills and concepts they established from the previous year and develop them further in the current and subsequent year.
Cross-curricular learning is an effective way of providing our children with a purposeful environment in which to consolidate and apply learnt skills. We encourage the key skills learnt in computing to be developed during other curriculum subjects for example; collecting, organisning and manipulating data effectively. This skill can be seen being used in Science, Maths, Topic, PE, RE and other subjects.
As part of our broad and balanced curriculum, children are encouraged to foster a love of computing and enjoy being exposed to the common uses of information technology in and beyond school. Children are given opportunities to further develop and nurture a positive outlook and attitude towards the use of technology.
Our intent is to ensure that children leave Stanion C.E Primary School with a wealth of knowledge and the ability to use a range of programmes, software and devices; in a safe and respectable way. Understanding how to stay safe online is a priority in our school. Embedding the knowledge of Computing as a beneficial resource in all aspects of life is of high importance and this is identified within our broad, balanced and deep curriculum.
Stanion Super Friends
Work collaboratively to complete tasks. We show understanding of how technology has changed over time and the impact this has had. We provide children with real world opportunities that could support their personal growth.
We encourage explorative learning, allowing children to test and trial things and solve/debug problems. We provide a wide range of activities and topic types to engage all children. The units allow for creativity which allows the children to adapt their work to fit their interests.
The children are able to take turns to showcase the skills that they have learnt. The children can try to solve their own problems and trial and error different things within a program to find the most effective solution.
All pupils can achieve within the units and can further challenge themselves. They can create things that they are interested in or enjoy. We provide opportunities for sharing something the children are proud of.
We are able to explore a range of topic types that are relevant to real world experiences and suitable to different age groups. The children have the chance to revisit skills to further develop them alongside learning new skills. They can clearly link the computing units to opportunities for employment as an adult.