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Physical Education



At Stanion Primary School, we recognise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting long term, healthy lifestyles. The intent of our PE curriculum is to provide all children with high quality PE and sports provision. Our curriculum is designed to inspire, engage and encourage a healthy lifestyle across all year groups and our vision is for every pupil to succeed and achieve their potential as well as lead physically active lifestyles.

We strive to encourage our pupils through fun and engaging PE lessons which are enjoyable, challenging and accessible to all. Through our teaching of PE, we will provide opportunities for all pupils to develop values and transferrable life skills such as fairness and respect as well as providing them with opportunities to take part in competitive sport.

Using Get Set 4 PE, children from EYFS to Y6, are taught not only a progressive and engaging curriculum but also a curriculum which encourages them to apply their knowledge and understanding in a range of different situations. Opportunities are provided for children to access independent skills as well as working within and as part of a team and understanding the value of working together to achieve a common goal.

Competitive sporting opportunities are provided throughout school life at Stanion Primary School as well as the need for perseverance and determination to want to succeed. We are part of the local Sports Partnership which helps to provide a range of activities (some competitive and some not) to our children. Our children understand how to support and encourage their peers as well as being able to listen to others about improving their own skills and using this guidance to better their performance.

Opportunities are provided within school to become young leaders and the older children successfully work alongside the teaching staff, PE lead and lunchtime supervisors to provide opportunities for their peers to take part in active playtimes and also Level 1 competitions. The activities are all planned and developed by the Sports Crew who take great pride in their role. Annually, the Sports Crew also help with the design and running of an Open Working Day for parents based around a sporting theme. This encourages parents and guardians to spend time enjoying Physical Education together with their children and experiencing a range of activities. This helps in turn to foster the positive attitude of healthy lifestyles and encourages our whole school community to become involved in a lifelong love of Physical Education.

Alongside leading a physically healthy lifestyle, we value the importance of positive mental health and the links this has within our PE curriculum. Annually we take part in a Mental Health Awareness day across school and encourage the children to reflect on how this makes them feel. Our children understand the positive effect that exercise can have on wellbeing and we embed this into daily school life with regular brain breaks and movement activities during lessons.

Stanion Super Friends

We encourage the children to work in teams within a range of sporting situations. We provide opportunities for building team-working skills and empathy for others when situations don’t have the desired outcome. We aim to support and encourage others to achieve. The children will be building leadership skills as part of a community setting and building up roles within different sporting communities.

We will be making decisions in fast-paced scenarios to benefit the team or sport being played. The children ask questions to better their understanding of rules and expectations of games. We will engage in the history of games and how they are played around the world; taking an interest in different local and national competitions.

We try to be brave at trying new sports and new situations. The children trust themselves in competing against others and gain confidence from doing so. We understand the positive impact sport has on our bodies. We challenge and compete against themselves to gain personal bests in different sports.

We understand the positive effects which PE has on your body and mind. The children enjoy taking part in a wide range of activities and then enjoying these outside of school.

We love having the opportunities to learn a range of new sports. The children are encouraged to Keep going when a sports activity seems hard. We learn to evaluate performance and understand how to improve going forward in the future.