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At Stanion CE Primary School we believe that English skills are vital to the development of children so they are prepared for their future life.  We teach a rich and varied English programme using objectives from the National Curriculum 2014. This determines the skills that each year group and Key Stage must cover. A range of genres are studied and promoted through engaging texts and interactive learning experiences. It is imperative that children are given a range of writing opportunities through both Literacy lessons and the wider curriculum. These lessons include the use of paired, group and independent writing tasks. We believe that this allows for the development of a culture where learning from each other is key to becoming a successful writer. We endeavour to provide writing experiences in classrooms where pupils are able to respond appropriately and supportively to their learning. 

Mastery Approach to Writing

At Stanion, we believe that children should be exposed to, and given the chance to engage with and master a range of different genres of writing. We want to inspire our children to engage with the different genres and so have worked hard to produce a curriculum which provides rich inspiration from which to develop ideas. 

We believe in helping the children to understand the different purposes for writing and so have divided our genres into different reasons for writing. As the children move through the school they will experience more reasons to write and so be exposed to more genres of writing. This will help them to build their repertoire of features needed for different genres. 

Our purposes for writing are:

Writing to entertain

Writing to inform

Writing to persuade

Writing to discuss